
Archive for February, 2016|Monthly archive page

Bonners Chip Shop

In Uncategorized on February 14, 2016 at 3:45 pm

It’s easy to get excited and write about the new, hip stuff in the stow. But sometimes I realise I’ve neglected some long established gems. And one of those is Bonners chip shop on the corner of Pretoria Avenue and Northcote Road.


Okay, it’s not triple fried chips or fish in locale brewery ale batter. This is a classic chippie and all the better for it. All the staples are there; saveloy, battered sausage, mushy peas, pickled eggs. The chips are classic chip-shop chips as is the battered cod.

They’ve been in the running for the best chippie in London competition a few times. Understandable judging by the queue on a Friday or Saturday night. The family team are really friendly and clearly enjoy chatting with customers.

If you live near the bottom of the high street this place should be one of your take out regulars.